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The Pittsburgh Bridge Association Mission: To serve the bridge-related interests of its members, and to promote and sustain the game of bridge.

Name Office Additional Responsibilities
Ron Franck President NAP Coordinator, GNT Coordinator
Bill Holt  Vice President Tournament Coordinator, Education Chair
Maureen Loeb Secretary Electronic Contact, Recorder
Michael Pascal Treasurer Business Manager
Robyn Fennell Member-at-Large  
Jim Gump Member-at-Large Club Liaison
David Loeb Member-at-Large Webmaster, Newsletter. STaC Coordinator
Kathryn Rector Member-at-Large Hospitality Chair, Charity Chair
June Threlkeld Member-at-Large Membership Chair
Terri Tunick Member-at-Large Publicity Chair, IN Coordinator


To Contact the Board via Email,
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For a copy of older Board Meeting Minutes (once approved), CLICK HERE

See the Pittsburgh Bridge Association Bylaws here.

The Pittsburgh Bridge Association's objectives per the bylaws are:

  1. To preserve and promote the best interests of and stimulate interest in the art of playing competitive duplicate contract bridge and any modification thereof;
  2. To promote and conduct contract bridge tournaments and to cooperate with and assist the ACBL in the promotion and conduct of contract bridge tournaments;
  3. To encourage and enforce the highest standards of conduct and ethics by its members;
  4. To promote the development and organization of affiliated clubs within the PBA;
  5. To provide organized bridge activities and services to satisfy the social, recreational and competitive needs of the membership and affiliated clubs.
  6. (f) To keep members apprised of bridge-related activities in the Unit. 


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